He's Coming! - Family Advent Guide 

“He’s Coming!” will lead you through 25 days of advent (starting Dec. 1) and then culminate in a fun Christmas Eve Celebration and final reading on Christmas Day!

Each day as your family gathers around your advent candles and twinkle lights, the guide will walk you through:

- A Scripture to read
- A Question to talk about
- A Song to sing
- *Optional* - A Christmas book to read

I’m excited for your family to experience the joy and wonder of advent together, build deeper connections, and delight in the true reason for this season – Jesus our Messiah!

Download your Family Advent Guide Today! 

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"When Kierra introduced our family to celebrating advent in an age appropriate and sincere way my family was hooked. My two active boys asked to do advent every night and looked forward to reading and celebrating the anticipation of Jesus together." - Tiffany

© Joyful Parenthood 2023