The word “Advent” means coming and it is a time to celebrate the coming of Christ – both his first coming and his second coming that we eagerly await. It is a time to pull away from the distractions and busyness of life and to fix our eyes on Jesus – the one who was, who is, and is to come. Our source of true hope, joy, and peace.
During the first two weeks of Advent, this guide will help you focus on Christ’s second coming and build your excitement for what He has promised for that day. We prepare our hearts for his coming, making sure we are ready for his return.
During the second two weeks of Advent, the guide will help you focus on Christ’s first coming and the Christmas story - how God prepared the way and sent His son in the humblest of ways into our hurting world to save all who would put their trust in Him.
The guide culminates with a special Christmas Eve Candlelight Celebration as you complete the Christmas story with readings, singing, candles and dessert! This celebration is a treasured night in our home and one of our favorite traditions!